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EBRE9-R1X115/30ND-OS / 0850100

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Product information

0206601LD - R-TUBE 115-840M0500 LD

Length: 1149

Colour temperature: 4000 K

Characteristic: matt

0206620LD - R-TUBE 115-830M0450 LD

Length: 1149

Colour temperature: 3000 K

Characteristic: matt

0206707LD - R-TUBE 115-865M0500 LD

Length: 1149

Colour temperature: 6500 K

Characteristic: matt

0206575LD - R-TUBE 115-830M0300 LD

Length: 1149

Colour temperature: 3000 K

Characteristic: matt

0206722LD - R-TUBE 115-865M0300 LD

Length: 1149

Colour temperature: 6500 K

Characteristic: matt

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