Lights on for food and fashion!
Retailers, general stores, department stores, discounters and shopping malls - products have to be attractively displayed and sold everywhere. There is nothing better for this than good light. Light for presenting the commodities, light for creating a pleasant atmosphere, light for encouraging the purchase, but also light for marking the routes and to aiding orientation.
Every sales situation requires a special lighting solution, the aim always being to support or encourage the sale of the goods. Not only design guidelines, but also the following considerations are taken into account for planning modern lighting concepts for shops and retail areas:
energy efficiency, corporate lighting for individual brands, light for display windows, light for shelving, light for aisles, pools of light and special light for changing cubicles, adjoining rooms, etc. Various goods need special light, and so the planning for DIY stores, car dealerships, chemists, food shops, furniture stores or draper's shops is always optimally matched to the goods and their presentation system. Shopping malls with their public areas, escalators, car parks, food courts and the numerous individual outlets must have an integrated planning strategy. They need to be efficient, while creating a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere for their customers.

Product presentation with feel good factor
Light for shops and retail outlets calls for sophisticated solutions, which must be systematically planned and implemented in order to meet each and every requirement. Attractive illumination of the goods is paramount. Safety, energy efficiency and, very importantly, the feel-good atmosphere for the customer though are equally high on the agenda.
RIDI has a broad range of products for all requirements – lighting solutions are realised for the discounter through to the shopping mall.