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Opportunities for school leavers

Are you looking for a training placement? Or perhaps you would like to dip into the world of work with an internship? Whichever you prefer, RIDI could have just what you are looking for.

If you have completed  secondary school and are looking forward to finally getting to grips with the world of work, then why not take a look the provided information on training opportunities which might interest you?

Minimum requirement: Secondary school leaving certificate


Elektroniker/in für Betriebstechnik




Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik



Minimum requirement: Certificate of basic secondary education




Techn. Produktdesigner/in für Maschinen- & Anlagenkonstruktion


Fachinformatiker Systemintegration

Requirement: University entrance qualification

If you have gained your university entrance qualification but would like to enter a professional career straight away as well as studying for a degree, then the dual study system is just the right thing for you. Here, you will be able to ideally combine theory and practice.

Working together with the University of Cooperative Education in Horb, we offer you the chance to complete both your Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Engineering degree course while receiving vocational training. As you will be working with us in the company on the days you are not attending lectures, you will naturally also receive the customary trainee's salary.

If you would like to know more about our dual study scheme, please take a closer look at the courses you might be interested in.


Bachelor of Engineering (DH) Elektrotechnik

About training at RIDI

During your training period, you will pass through a variety of administrative and production departments, allowing you to learn about operational procedures and processes from the ground up.

Our trainees receive continuous encouragement and support, while regular meetings and integration into current projects help to consolidate cooperation within the company. The training supervisors provide support throughout the whole of the training period.

Activities outside the company help to strengthen team spirit, whether it be 10 pin bowling, hiking or barbeque parties. Every year, trainees go on a joint outing, usually to the mountains.

RIDI offers young people attractive, interesting and varied vocational training which encompasses a wide range of knowledge and experience geared to the world of work. 

Have we sparked your interest? Then take a look at our situations vacant!


Ausbildungsbetrieb 2025

Practical internship

If you are interested in a trial internship or a practical training placement for just a few weeks in the summer holidays, why not get in touch? There are plenty of opportunities here to gather initial experience in the world of work.

Just let us know what it is you have in mind and describe what you would like to gain from joining us. Ideally, simply write us a mail or give us a call.

Holiday job

If you are interested in earning your own spending money during the holidays and are able to work for at least 3 weeks consecutively, then apply for a holiday job with us. You can earn an hourly rate of 12,41 €.

For this, all you need to do is fill in and sign the following application form and return it to us. Please do not send additional documents, only the application form!


Bewerbungsbogen Ferienjob


Flyer Ferienjob in Jungingen


Flyer Ferienjob in Zeuthen

Please address it to:

RIDI Leuchten GmbH
72417 Jungingen

If you have any other questions, please send us an email or give us a call at any time.

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